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@ <pos1>,<pos2> DRAW <string>
This command will draw text at a specified row and column position using
the current character set unless specified following the USING clause.
Additionally, text can be diplayed in a vertical format by simply adding
the VERTICAL option, or horizontally cenetered with the CENTER option.
@ <pos1>,<pos2> DRAW <string> USING <type> <size>
<string> is the text to be drawn in graphics mode.
<Pos1> is the row coordinate 0 to 24.
<Pos2> is the column coordinate 0 to 79.
<type> is the character font system, roman, or swiss.
<size> is the character font size specified as small, standard, or the
character font number.
<VERTICAL> is stated to display the text in a vertical mode. Horizontal
is the default mode.
<CENTER> is used to display the text in centered mode at the point of
<RIGHT> is used to display the text in right justified mode at the point
of origin.
@ 02,30 DRAW "The Graphics Language" USING system 1609
Purpose: Draw a text string
Mapped Function: __DrawText() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
dGE functions: saystring()
Other GL UDFs: __SetCSet(),__XdGE(),__YdGE(),__DgeColor()
System variables: None.
System constants: None.
See Also:
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson